Thursday, May 17, 2012

Spreading to TV

A TV chef's new goal is to reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes by teaching people how to make healthier good tasting food. I think this is a good idea, if people can associate healthy and good tasting then the risk for a lot of people would be way lower.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Coffee May Reduce Risk of Type 2?

In a recently released study of an 18 year period Harvard Researchers followed a large group of men and women who did not start off with Type 2 Diabetes. Every 2-4 years they would answer questions like 'caffinated or decafe?' and how much they drink. Over the years it showed that men who drank more then six cups of coffee a day cut their risk in half while women who drank six cups or more lowered theirs by 30%. The American Diabetes Association says more studies should be done on this before they tell people to just go and start drinking gallons of coffee. I would have to agree with them. This could be a fairly big thing to study in the upcoming years about whether or not coffee has an affect on your chances of getting Type 2. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


A recent pilot test on a new drug shows promising results, now the company testing this new drug to control Glucose level in Type 2 people are looking for volunteers for this study. It is a double-blind placibo effect study that shows much promise...

More once the study is completed.

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Diabetes Circle [Monday]

This is basically the circle and cause of Type 2 diabetes, though Type 2 can also be caused by the body no longer responding to insulin the body produces. It shows the main set of reasons a person gets Type 2 as well.


Friday, May 11, 2012

Renal Failure

In a recent study in the UK, they found that people with Type 2 Diabetes have a higher risk in Renal Failure. Renal Failure is when your kidneys fail to perform the needs for the human body. Figuring out how to prevent this is important because people with diabetes have enough to deal without Kidney Failure.

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Children's Risk [Thursday]

In a recent study children 12-18 with a body mass in the 85th or higher percentile were evaluated for how likely they were to get type 2 they also evaluated parents. I think this is a good thing to do, make sure the parents and children are both aware of the risks.

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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Type 2

In recent studies of Type 2 in Elderly people it has shown the same symptoms as Alzheimer. Loss of memory, coordination, thoughts, etc. More studies should be looked into to help this symptom. Having the same symptoms as Alzheimers makes it harder for elderly people, while there are already high numbers of Alzheimers plus Type 2 diabetes causes many problems.

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