Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Cancer Research Cartoon

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In this comic it shows the government (the man talking to the scientist) talking to the medical researchers about a cure for cancer, the business owners that now have to do cancer prevention are breathing down his neck to have them find the cure and stop the cancer prevention. A lot of times this is true, the government is being pressured by the people to push scientists or other companies to do things to help other people that own other things that are effected. Sadly that is the way the government in America works and these things need to be fixed in our government and medical researchers.


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Diabetes Drug Retesting

Merck has been asked to retest their new drug after it has been approved by thee FDA. The FDA will sometimes decide to retest drugs if reports have come in about side effects not known about in the original testing. Companies may be fined up to $250,000 if they do not comply to retest their drug. The new drug on the market from Merck has been reported to cause pancreas inflammation. Not many companies refuse to do this but there are some that do. Refusing to retest drugs not only result in a in a fine, but it can result in people dying from diseases contracted or side effects to the drug. 


Monday, February 27, 2012

New Diabetes Drug

A new diabetes drug has been released that will effect people with type 2 diabetes. A medical researcher at the University of Michigan rounded up some 200 people for this study and most people had stabilized levels by week 12. New drugs on the market to help diabetes will change the way the diabetes market work. From what is told about this drug there have been no known serious side effects which is one of the only drugs I have seen without one or two at least. Who knows what will come up once people begin taking the drug?


Friday, February 24, 2012

Diabetes Type One Drug Helps Type Two

Researches at a college in Buffalo, NY recently found that a drug that was approved for Type One also helps people with Type two and have recently been awarded $600,000 in grants to continue their research on this drug hoping to have a new drug out on the market soon to help people with Type Two. More diabetes drug studies will lead to more breakthroughs and more things that will help people with diabetes.


Thursday, February 23, 2012

New Diabetes Drug

After much testing and two rejections in 2010 Bydureon, a new diabetes drug, is now approved by the F.D.A. It isn't surprising that this drug was denied twice two years ago, because it was said to have caused irregular heartbeat rhythm. Finally after much debate the new drug is on the market. Third time is the charm. Everyday testing of new drugs to help with different numbers of things allow more and more drugs to be put out into the system so that maybe we can get virus's that are immune to most to actually be treated by a drug. As new drugs come out though, there will always be a new virus that will beat the system. There will always be a new side effect that could take lives or severally change people.


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Mortality Risk

Pfeffer, a doctor doing studies on diseases linked to diabetes, says that having type two gives you almost double the normal mortality rate to kidney disease, they did a study on some 91,700 patients 7.5% of which died. Doing this study has opened up new doors to diseases linked to diabetes and how to treat them. Dealing with the increased risks of things and diabetes is hard for some people to handle but knowing that there are scientists and doctors working on ways to help is important.

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Germ Cartoon

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Describing how scientists will warp germs and bacteria and that they might not always be able to control it. It would be hard to control a gene the size of the room. Things are different when you look at how scientist could be severally harming you or have the possibility of harming you.


Monday, February 20, 2012

Children with Diabetes

Over the last year children for diabetes complications and DKA which is when there is high blood sugar levels. They continue on to say that without treatment you can go into a diabetic coma. Warning children of this serious complication will change the way they look at and track their diabetes. Most children would not track it if not for their parents there to prod them along and to remind them that they need to check these things so they don't get seriously ill, hopefully this warning will make it possible for children to take the responsibility of their health in their own hands.


Friday, February 17, 2012

F.D.A Delays approval

The F.D.A delayed the approval of a new set of diabetes drugs, they said that more testing would need to be done before it would be deemed safe enough to release on the market for people with diabetes to take. New diabetes drugs are approved and denied more and more. Diabetes is a tricky thing to have drugs on the market for because so many things could go wrong and so many side effects could come up that weren't expected. Though this could happen with any drug that is going out on the market. Drugs are things that need to be studied a lot before released but there is not nearly enough drugs for diabetes out there because their are still people battling for their lives. 


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Chocolate Helps with Diabetes

Scientists in the UK did a recent study that found that women who ate the enriched chocolate that was part of this study increased resistance to insulin and cholesterol. This is a good breakthrough in the field of diabetes, but scientists stress that women with type two should not each more chocolate because the chocolate that helped these women had much higher levels than any store bought candy bar. If they keep expanding on this research there might be another breakthrough in the diabetes field.

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Animal Testing Cartoon


A cartoon depicting people testing drugs on mice for the human population. Obviously animal testing isn't a good thing to do but it has led to many medical breakthroughs in everything from cold medicine to heart medicine to diabetes drugs. The mice in this cartoon obviously do not look happy that they aren't getting credit as the test subjects for these risky tests and the scientists get all the credit. That is the way it is and while you can't really give animals credit for making the scientific breakthrough you can still give them credit for helping with it, because without them there wouldn't be the new drug on the market.


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

1st Hearing for Diabetes Law Suit

In Louisiana a judge has scheduled an initial hearing for the first in a series of law suits against a diabetes drug company. This company has mass produced its product and now they are being sued because their product has been said to have the side effect of increased chance of bladder cancer. Diabetes drugs are risky to research and produce and it is hard to say what exactly the side effects could be of these drugs. Many people have taken this and I am almost sure not all of them got bladder cancer or even had an increased risk of getting it. It is side effects like this though that we need to get rid of and change. If every drug had a side effect similar to this what would happen to the world as we knew it today. If it is not okay for every drug to have a side effect like this why is it okay for a diabetes drug to have a side effect like this when it is going out to people already suffering from a life threatening disease if not under control.

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Monday, February 13, 2012


It has been about ninty years since the first injection of insulin to a person with type one diabetes and people in the UK celebrate the scientist and doctor who made this breakthrough. Before this breakthrough type one diabetes was killing almost everyone who ended up with it. There was no cause and no cure for it and almost everyone who got it was dead within a few weeks of being diagnosed. Scientists have come a long way since this first shot of insulin but they still have a long way to go. It is the leading cause of blindness and they have a 7% chance of birth defects. Women who suffer from diabetes and men for that matter do not only suffer from diabetes but all the things that could happen to them because of diabetes. Scientists have been studying for years on diabetes and they still have so much to learn. Apmutations still happen and people still go into diabetic comas. Scientists should be working to find better ways to manage not only the disease but also the syptoms that come along with it. Until they find a way to prevent things like hearing loss and birth defects in children because of diabetes, and until they have it cured, scienctists should not stop working on breakthroughs.


Friday, February 10, 2012

Heart Disease

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Scientist in Britain have done a recent study that has tracked a form of heart disease that kills thousands every year to the Y chromosome passed from father to son. They did this study on about 3,000 men from all over Britain. Focusing in on what can cause heart disease may make it better for helping prevent people from dying from it. Knowing where it originates can completely change the studies going on around it.


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Medical Research 'Mutant Jeans' Cartoon

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This cartoon drawn by an artist that allowed it to be posted on is suppose to show a scientist studying Mutant Jeans, as many scientists are studying today, but instead of studying human genes he is studying mutant Jeans like the pants. A good representation of what scientists study while also making it fun to read.



Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Genetic Parkinson's Disease Brain Cells Made in Lab

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Resent studies on Parkinson's disease has shown some amazing results. Parkinson's disease cells have been created in a lab by a small group of scientists. They say this breakthrough can now allow them to see the mutations of the parkin gene and target the mutations in one out of every ten people with the disease. Studying Parkinson's disease and having this breakthrough will help the scientists of the age find more ways to help people with this disease.

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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Application of New Clinical Trials for Cancer Treatments In Norway

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The Norwegians have started studies for new trials of clinical cancer research. These new treatments focus around genomics and helping the paitents better. The UK did something like this not too long ago and started their own trials with the new forms of treatment and Norway is following in their footsteps. Cancer research is something that should never stop even if the world ends, in my opinion anyway. Cancer research is hard for someone to be able pinpoint exactly what kind of cancer this could help and why. That is why it should continue. Until we can say for sure that this treatment will help this cancer all the time then we have not researched it enough.


Monday, February 6, 2012

Diabetes Pregnancy Risks

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Hey Readers!

Today we will be talking about the risks Diabetic women have of getting pregnant and having children with birth defects. In a recent study in the UK scientists have shown that women with Diabetes have a 75 chance of having children with birth defects while the average woman has about a 2% chance. They studied this to see the likeliness and the number. My hope for this study is that they will one day be able to make the percentage drop down to the average woman percentage of having a child with birth defects. Many women with diabetes may now decide not to get pregnant because of the risk.

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Friday, February 3, 2012

Diabetes Hearing Lost

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In resent studies with diabetes it has been found that women with well managed diabetes suffer from more hearing loss then the average woman without diabetes. As for not well managed diabetes woman suffer almost 30% more hearing loss then the average woman. Men with diabetes well managed or not suffered the same amount of hearing loss as a man without diabetes. These scientists have proven that diabetes does infact cause hearing loss and at the current moment there is no cure for it. I think this is a good thing to be researching as anything having to do with Diabetes is, but then again I am a bit bias considering one of my closes friends was recently diagnosed.

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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Medical Researchers Joining TB Vaccine Study
Doctors and Medical Researchers that have been setting up HIV/AIDS stations in Africa to help people who have these diseases are now joined with a TB vaccine study. Enrollment for children and Adults who need care for any of these diseases open up in the next few months if things stay on target. I think this is a very good way for these Doctors and Scientists to be spending their time. Lots of people die from these diseases every year, but not just in Africa, maybe if we start there, soon we will be helping other countries in need.



Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Can Magic Mushrooms Help Depression?

Recent Scientists in the UK have been doing tests on Magic Mushrooms helping with depression, by allowing people who suffer from the mental illness to relive moments in there lives that were happy and joyful. These scientists have preformed two tests, the results of the first already out and the results of the second to be published soon. Out of the 10 healthy men and 5 healthy women that voluteered for this experiment all of them experienced changes in visual perception, and changes in their perception of time and of size and space. I believe that with more study this could possibly be helpful to people suffering from depression, but as for the results of their first experiement I believe that this is not a proper thing for people with depression to be taking even in an experiment.

